Demining Apron

Lightweight Frontal Protection

Demining Apron

The Med-Eng Demining Apron is a lightweight and flexible system that provides basic frontal protection from blast, fragmentation, and heat from blast-type anti-personnel (APers) land mines.


    • Intended for mine clearance operations and humanitarian demining in various environmental conditions, including high temperatures and humidity.
    • Can be worn for several hours at a time.
    • Consists of an apron for continuous frontal coverage from the collar, to the shoulders, over the chest, over the entire frontal groin area, and the thighs of the user. The protective coverage extends to the sides, depending on sizing.
    • Contains a unique chest plate system to protect against overpressure and fragmentation.
    • For continuous protection of the face, the Apron integrates with the visor of the Lightweight Demining Helmet (LDH).
    • The rear of the Apron is left open to reduce total weight and the risk of heat stress. The Demining Apron can be donned by the user without assistance from others.
    • Includes a durable carrying bag for easy transport and storage.

The platform of the Med-Eng Demining Apron has undergone extensive testing where anthropomorphic test devices (mannequins) were subjected to explosions of simulated and

actual APers. The platform of the Demining Apron has been tested against actual mines including the PMN, PMN-2, PMA-1, PMA-2, and PMA-3. Additional testing has also been performed.